Logo des Projektes Leben und Lernen X.0. Eine Figur eines Menschen besitzt einen Block mit zwei Sprechblasen als Kopf. Zum Kopf führen sechs verschiedenfarbige Striche hin.
(c) MSPT

Leben & Lernen X.0

The information and networking forum on the digital transformation!

The digital transformation is already rapidly changing our lives. This makes it all the more important to understand and help shape the opportunities and consequences of digitalisation. With Leben & Lernen X.0, the Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt offers a forum for dialogue and the teaching of media skills with a focus on the topics of digital education, the future of democracy and the future of work.

The information and networking forum Leben & Lernen X.0 thinks about the present and future of communication with the museum’s visitors. Does Big Data threaten our privacy? What skills do we need in the age of strategically deployed fake news? Will artificial intelligences soon take over our work? What is digital education?

Diskutieren Sie mit uns den digitalen Wandel!

All Frankfurt residents are invited to discuss the effects of the digital transformation together with experts in workshops, citizens’ forums and with artistic perspectives, and to formulate their questions, demands and expectations. If you are interested in our events, write an email to lebenundlernen@mspt.de or visit our website: www.lebenx0.de
